TSE Spotlight: Meet Christina MatteucciTSE Spotlight: Meet Christina Matteucci

Christina Matteucci will be the featured keynote during the Leadership Lunch

Special Events

June 4, 2021

2 Min Read

Executive Director of David Beahm Experiences, Christina Matteucci pioneers an integral role within the special event industry as Number Two to celebrity event designer David Beahm. Now in her eighteenth year of collaboration with David, Christina has spent almost two decades skillfully executing unfathomably complex soirées all over the globe.

Christina credits her rigorous conservatory theater training at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts (2001) with her ability to conceive and produce lavish event experiences. She also asserts that her finesse for the fantastic has been enhanced and honed through wholeheartedly embracing the position of Number Two—a role that has blossomed into an esteemed symbiotic partnership with David.

By exemplifying the time-honored model of apprenticeship and mentorship, Christina cultivates a robustly innovative workplace that thrives on deeply rooted collaboration; as such, she is a champion of egalitarian business principles. Her bohemian theories on how we define professional success earn her coveted speaking opportunities within the global special events industry, inspiring and captivating audiences with her no-nonsense, comedic, and self-effacing style. On November 23, 2019, Christina had the honor of speaking alongside Eliza Reid, First Lady of Iceland, at TEDxBeaconStreet, Boston.

By virtue of her particular aptitude for team building, Christina is uniquely qualified to counsel both emerging professionals embarking on their career paths (thus earning her the moniker TeucciMama: Mother Hen of the Number Twos) as well as CEOs who value synergistic, cooperative corporate cultures.

You can see Matteucci during The Special Event Catersource when she not only delivers the keynote address during the "Leadership Lunch," on Thursday, July 22 at 11:45 a.m., but she will also present "The Audacious Transparency of Your Personal Brand" on Tuesday, July 20 at 9:00 a.m.

During her session, Matteucci will explore how and why David Beahm's "brand identity" is not founded in logos, fonts, color palette, a pretty website, well-curated social media, or even his beautifully designed events. She will reveal how—by properly framing your identity—you can boost the success of your brand. Matteucci will deliver an intensive on the use of "glamour," ethos, and storytelling in pitching to the luxury market. She will explore the subjects of transparency, trust, and relatability to expand your clients' imagination and increase your company's profitability along the way.

See you in Miami! 

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Special Events

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