TSE Spotlight: Meet Taylor DeMartinoTSE Spotlight: Meet Taylor DeMartino
Can't miss hands-on floral demonstration on deck!
May 26, 2021
Taylor DeMartino, praised by Modern Luxury Magazine as “a creative force behind some of Houston’s poshest parties of late, and one of the most sought after event designers”, has reshaped the landscape on entertainment design.
DeMartino blends his knowledge of music and theater and his passion for design to create personalized experiences for clients and audiences alike. With over a decade of experience in multiple segments of the industry, Taylor knows the ins and outs of all components that will eventually become his client’s special celebration.
“Knowing how each of the segments of an event interact with one another is a major key for success”, he says.
DeMartino will be delivering two exceptional sessions during The Special Event Catersource, including a hands-on floral workshop.
See you in Miami!