SECRETS OF FINDING THE FINEST FOOD IMAGINE you are catering the ultimate dinner party. But the appetizer tray features chunks of processed cheese instead of the double-cream French Brie you had planned. The...
A company's superstars deserve super events Cash is no longer king when it comes to motivating employees. An increasing number of corporations, from consumer products giants such as Coca-Cola to biotech firms such as...
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME you did a thorough inven-tory of your warehouse? You might be surprised at the equipment and supplies languishing in hidden spaces or long-forgotten boxes. "It happens very frequently that...
IN THE 1950s, fans who went to Yankee Stadium in New York or Soldier Field in Chicago to watch a sporting event might also have enjoyed a hot dog and soda...
ASK BUSINESS PEOPLE across the country about "Y2K"-a.k.a. "the millennium bug"-and reactions range from an Alfred E. Neumanesque "What, me worry?" to Henny Penny's "The sky is falling!" ...
ASK RENTAL SUPPLIERS what's the biggest headache in the special event industry and they will doubtless agree with Lonny Eggleston, partner/owner of Unique Tabletop Rentals...