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Igal Sapir of 100 Candles

Going Green with Eco-friendly Lighting Design

Igal SapirThese days, the environment is no longer a mere afterthought--if anything, events are more and more being designed in a way that reduces their footprint. From compostable flatware to e-invitations, going green is a growing concern for all aspects of event production.

Lighting is often the place we look to first to conserve both at home and in the office, as seen by the push to CFL bulbs and now LED lighting. For years, parents ordered us to turn off lights as we leave a room, and now many rooms are confirmed to detect the absence of motion and turn lights off automatically. So, why not incorporate some of those values into your event design?

One of the best ways to save on energy throughout the event day is take advantage of natural light when possible. If the sun is shining during the day, consider conserving your lighting design for the evening. Not only will this conserve energy, but it may save a few pennies for the clients as well. Just be sure to have a backup plan in place should it be a cloudy day.

When the sun does go down, opt for candles and LED lights to light up the night. Both of these options can be eco-friendly, so they make great additions for covering a large event space. If the venue provides overhead lighting, consider asking venue management to dim it so that your greener options can shine all night long.

When shopping for candles, look for candles that use soy, beeswax or palm oil as these wax types come from renewable sources versus the standard paraffin wax candle. Beeswax candles are especially great, as they release negative ions into the air when burned, which actively cleans the air. How’s that for giving back to the environment? In addition to wax types, wick materials are also important for a truly green event--cotton and wood are the cleanest.

In fact, if your client is really dedicated to the cause, consider renting wax luminaries, which can be melted down and recycled to be used once again as new luminaries.

On the other hand, LED lights are inherently green as they don’t burn through anything and actively minimize the energy needed. One of the advantages of LED lights is their versatility--from battery-operated candles to string lights to hanging lanterns, there are LED options in almost any color imaginable for any lighting design needs.

In addition to coming in multiple forms, LED lights can be either battery-operated or rechargeable--both are reusable options, which means those candles that dress up your corporate client’s centerpieces will look just as stunning at next week’s wedding. The bonus is that they carry no fire risk, and you won’t have to worry about wax drippings on the linens!

We shouldn’t stop turning off lights when we leave a room, but we also need to actively encourage greener options in the event industry. Whether it’s sustainable cuisine or some eco-friendly lighting options, every effort counts when it comes to reducing your environmental footprint.

Igal Sapir is the chief technology officer for 100 Candles, a wholesale market for candles and LED lights.From weddings and birthdays to holiday parties and fundraisers has enjoyed celebrating life’s biggest moments along with their customers since 2002.

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