Why You Need Consistent Copywriting Across All Your PlatformsWhy You Need Consistent Copywriting Across All Your Platforms
Your messaging must be consistent, so customers can easily recognize it’s you. Without consistency, you won’t have the glue that holds your brand together or an identifiable piece that makes you stand out.
The success of your business is built upon the copy on your website, social media platforms, and all the other marketing materials that promote your brand. Images and flashy graphics may be able to quickly draw in an audience, but they can only take them so far. You need the written word to connect, inspire, and encourage customers to develop a relationship with your brand.
But, writing copy for your business and marketing platforms is more than just putting words on paper. Your messaging must be consistent, so customers can easily recognize it’s you. Without consistency, you won’t have the glue that holds your brand together or an identifiable piece that makes you stand out.
Whether you’re promoting an event, telling customers about a new catering menu, or sharing wedding tips with newly engaged couples, the copy written for your business channels must have the same voice and personality.
Make conversions your goal.
When writing copy for anything you send to your audience, keep in mind that your copy should be compelling enough to convert new leads into engaged customers. That requires going deeper than just writing words to fill space.
Think about what makes you stand out as a brand and what customers find valuable. For example, do your prospects want special wedding rates at an all-purpose venue, or do they want an elevated venue dedicated to weddings? Do they want budget-friendly pricing so they can get more value for their money, or do they value luxury and want to pay for extra amenities?
Getting to the root of your ideal client’s desires will help you exceed their expectations through your brand messaging.
Remain consistent in your copy.
Think about meeting a person who acts one way when you meet them, but completely different the next day. Would you like this person? Better yet, would you trust this person? Probably not.
We all seek consistency in our lives, and customers expect the same from your brand. They don’t want to see a bubbly personality on social media but a somber and serious tone on your website. This difference in tone can cause confusion, leading your customers to question who you are and what they can expect from you.
Brand consistency can improve your business performance and conversion in numerous ways, particularly:
It builds trust.
Customers need to know they can trust you before they decide to purchase your products or book your services. Consistent messaging breaks down the barriers of mistrust and provides customers with peace of mind that they are dealing with a professional and reliable business.
It leads to increased revenue.
A recent study shows that the revenue for businesses that have consistent messaging increases by 23 percent. When customers can easily identify you and your values, they are more likely to support you.
It ensures a unified experience for customers
Most importantly, consistent brand messaging ensures both current and potential customers have a unified experience.
Develop a brand voice.
Copywriting plays a considerable part in brand consistency. When a person visits your website or social media pages, the copy should reflect the personality of your business and core values. While you always want to find ways to be creative and fresh, it’s important to remember that your copy should be simple enough for customers to identify your tone, voice, and persona quickly.
The first step in crafting copy that matches your brand personality is developing a brand voice. For example: Is your brand bubbly and friendly, using more casual language? Or is it more elegant and classy, using more formal language? Once you develop a brand voice, you can start writing copy for all your platforms, from your website to social media posts.
Copy can change depending on the situation, but remember to stay true to your brand voice. For example, let’s look at this sentence a wedding planner may use in their marketing materials:
“Wedding planning should be stress-free and an enjoyable experience for the couple.”
A formal brand might say, “Planning a wedding should be stress-free and an enjoyable experience for couples-to-be.” Simple, effective, and to the point.
A more business casual brand may say, “Planning a wedding shouldn’t be stressful for couples-to-be, but an enjoyable experience!” Here a contraction is used to give the sentence a lighter feel.
For laidback brands, the sentence may say, “Couples-to-be should be able to enjoy planning their wedding without any stress!” The exclamation point here fits with the brand’s personality while the sentence order changed to match the casualness of everyday conversation.
As you can see, shifting your tone is a matter of the words you use, the order you use them in, and the punctuation you use to create impact.
Develop a cohesive messaging platform.
Another essential element of creating consistent copywriting is developing a cohesive messaging platform that you can use as a guideline for the copy your write.
In a nutshell, a consistent messaging platform reflects your business’ purpose, core values, and how you want others to perceive your brand. Develop a messaging platform that centers around a central idea with three to five core messaging themes to build a brand that people can recognize and trust.
Good copywriting is creative yet purposeful. If you want to draw in more customers and create more conversions, use your brand’s voice and tone as the lens all copy goes through.
Whether you’re an elevated brand or a more relaxed one, both potential and current customers should know who you are just by the words they read on your website, blog, or social media posts. Consistent copywriting, when done correctly, is the key to successful business practices and steady growth.