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Queen Elizabeth attends the opening of Parliament Photo by Getty Images/ ©Chris Jackson
<p>Queen Elizabeth attends the opening of Parliament.</p>

Peers Fear Plebe Plonk

Peers in Britiain&#39;s House of Lords insist on their own catering service to protect champagne quality

Britain's House of Lords has raised a ruckus by rejecting a plan to save taxpayer money by merging its catering services with the House of Commons. Why? Because the peers feared they would wind up with inferior champagne:

It has emerged that a proposal to save taxpayers some money by making peers and MPs share a catering department has been rejected “because the Lords feared that the quality of champagne would not be as good if they chose a joint service." The disclosure, made last week by Sir Malcolm Jack, clerk of the Commons between 2006 and 2011, as he gave evidence to a governance committee examining how the palace of Westminster should be run, was met with gasps and open laughter. The astonished chair of the committee, former home secretary Jack Straw, asked: “Did you make that up? Is that true?” Jack responded: “Yes, it is true.” – The Guardian

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