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California Governor Frees Up Cannabis Sales at Special Events

The new law will make it easier for cannabis businesses to participate in special events.

California governor Jerry Brown has signed legislation that makes it easier for local governments to include cannabis businesses at special events, says Pot Network:

Prior to the passage of AB 2020, California required an 11-step procedure for cannabis-related business licenses. While the Bureau for Cannabis Control could issue temporary licenses to businesses interested in establishing temporary events celebrating cannabis, the application process was lengthy and cumbersome to small, independently owned businesses.

The requirements for establishing a temporary event included submission of fingerprints as well as a background check, a licensing fee, and an established labor peace agreement.

On Jan. 1 when AB 2020 becomes a part of the California Business and Professions Code, if a local municipality is interested in hosting a cannabis-related event it may designate a permissible location for cannabis businesses, rather than restricting these events to fairgrounds or agricultural grounds … Pot Network

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