In most cases, consultations are the client's first contact with a representative of your rental company. The image we project and the client’s perception of our ability to provide for their event will be the key to closing the deal. So how can we...
With all of the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and its much-anticipated resolution, it’s natural to question what the industry will look like in 2021—and where your business fits into that landscape.
Products from CORT Events are always reflecting the latest style trends, but their classic collections include timeless pieces perfect no matter the season, theme or occasion.
With 2021 just around the corner, it’s an advantageous time to make necessary adjustments to ensure your business is primed and ready for whatever may come.
Family drama exists before the engagement; the planning process is just another stage for that drama to play out. It brings pre-existing issues to the surface, which can quickly get out of hand if not controlled.
There is a lot to keep up with when leading a company, and, if you don’t have the right systems in place, all of this work can come at the expense of new clients.