The Pizza Principle: How to Tell If You Need to Call That MeetingThe Pizza Principle: How to Tell If You Need to Call That Meeting
Gazillionaire businessman Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has a pretty nifty rule of thumb to decide whether to call a meeting.
September 28, 2017
Should you call an in-person meeting or not? Gazillionaire businessman Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has a pretty nifty rule of thumb to make this decision.
According to our sister publications group MeetingsNet, Bezos believes that if you have more meeting participants than two pizzas can feed, the group is too large to be productive. His other ideas: skip the PowerPoint and try the Silent Start:
This summer Jeff Bezos bought organic food chain Whole Foods, adding the grocer to his $80 billion empire. Bezos appears to have unlimited bandwidth to manage his various businesses, ranging from online retailing (Amazon, Zappos) to newspapers (The Washington Post, The Dallas Morning News) to space exploration (Blue Origin), so how does he handle meetings on such a diverse portfolio? It appears from reports in business publications from Inc. to Business Insider that he has three main meeting strategies, all of which can easily be copied … MeetingsNet