DESPITE ALL OF the time, emotion and energy you invest in making your event perfect, most of your guests will credit their event experience to others instead of to you. Indeed, the face of your event is determined largely by the people your guests...
VIRTUALLY ALL EVENT rental operators have seen a client damage inventory — from china filthy with food to linen spotted with mildew and candle wax. But their responses to the problem vary widely, from imposing fees on every offender — even major...
A LIFETIME SPENT steeped in the world of fine hotels may take the shine off a premier property for some. But not for Jim Blauvelt. Despite a globe-trotting childhood as the son of a pharmaceutical executive, an education in hotel management and...
CAUTIOUS CORPORATIONS, AGING philanthropists and a host of new charitable causes add up to challenging times even for established fund-raising events. That's where event pros come in, bringing with them bold concepts for design, operations and...
A MILLION-PLUS bucks may seem a rather extravagant gift for your average birthday celebrant. But Los Angeles' Museum of Contemporary Art is no average honoree. Likewise, the party celebrating MOCA's 25th year was not your typical anniversary gala...
Good food and good music are requirements for any great event, and New York-based Marc Weiss, also known as DJ Chef, will supply both. Weiss can bring his turntables and cooking equipment to a venue, then spin some tunes as he shakes a skillet...
Making a statement that the Fort Myers and Sanibel area is quickly moving toward recovery from Hurricane Charley, a full-page, four-color ad will run in the Friday/Weekend issue of USA Today. The ad is the first part of a three-phase campaign from...