For many years, it seems that Special Events editor Lisa Hurley asked her audience to fill out a survey for her State of the Industry feature. Apparently, she has been doing it for so long that she was able to report on 10 years’ worth of data, dropping off the oldest year so that the charts did not grow exponentially.
I am continuing her tradition, but with some caveats. This is a…well, we all know it is an upside-down kind of year.
The purpose of this survey is to determine the current status and health of industry businesses as well as thoughts on various topics such as COVID procedures, diversity and inclusion, and other things I hope to noodle over. Responses will be analyzed and reported on a consolidated basis as part of Special Event’s upcoming winter issue.
All specific individual responses to this survey will be kept completely confidential.
I am asking you to please please take a moment and fill it out. If you want to be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card, leave your name and email address on the last page. Else, leave it off. We won’t be putting any names into the published report.
Here is the link:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!